Tuesday, 23 October 2007

SPECIAL BONUS POST! Thinks I miss about Britain. No1 in a series.

1. Cheese – I can get it but I can only afford it if I start working for the
pineapples. Well I can buy horribly rubbery cheese. And sometimes the urge
to eat mouldy milk i so great that I will even eat his. But man I miss

2. Sausages – they only have hot dogs here. Oh, and Homo Sausage.

3. British Telly – I have being saying for years that I don’t really watch
telly and much prefer the radio. This is true. But now I’m missing Dragon’s
Den and that’s a whole different situation.

4. Brown Sauce - my bacon sandwiches are sad without it.

5. Gravy – I cannot begin to describe how much I miss gravy. I did a drawing
but it was so beautiful it broke the scanner. It is a deep sadness that
transcends art.

6. Things you can dry your hands with in toilets – i.e. hand dryers, towels
or paper towels. Some Japanese toilets have them, most do not. So you have
to sort of shake your hands and then try and dry your hands on your
trousers. Or else use your face towel. But then you feel sort of dirty the
next time you use your face towel to dry your face. Its a real social
dilemnia, I tell you.

7. Squash – you have to buy it pre-mixed here and it tastes like the drinks you
used to buy at school discos. The sort of plastic cup ones with the lid/seal
you pierced with the straw. Anyone know what I mean? Actually they weren't
bad were they?

8. Lamb – apart from Hokkaido there aren’t any sheep in Japan. They have bears
though, and monkeys. Both of which are much more exciting but much less
delicious (I assume.) Although this isn’t a biggie because I missed that at
University too.

9. Bitter – Japanese beer is actually quite nice. It’s lager, but lager that
someone actually gave a flavour to. I’d still murder someone for a Black
Sheep though.

10. My girlfriend and my family - well obviously. Less than cheese though.

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