Thursday, 12 June 2008


Apologies guys but I haven't really felt like blogging muxh this week. I don't have anything I particularly want to work on and I was going to do a video post tonight but youtube isn't co-operating.

Instead I'll do some blogging about blogging if you'll forgive me that.

For starters I actually do have some topics planned for the site but they all require more preparation than I have time for tonight. In fact let's make that the subject of this post. What topic would you all like me to address on the blog next? Your options are.

1. A feature on the horrors and wonders in my local super-market.

2. Another 5 great things about Japan post, as I now have enough material for it again.

3. Something about Japanese television, which I have been watching more of recently.

And I may as well take the time to draw your attention to some site news. You may have noticed that i have added a link roll on the right hand side lower down. If you are a regular reader of Mummyboon and want to link to this site and be linked to in return then please get in touch. Just briefly the websites listed there are;

Japundit - a website very close to the theme of this one only less personal due to it being a group blog.

Relaxed Focus - The blog of Rob Pugh, fan of the site and a JET in Fukuoka.

Title Undetermined - More of a comic blog but run by my very good frind and fellow JET Ryan Glasnovich in the guise of Diamondrock.

Topless Robot - An L.A. based geek blog that is simply fantastic. Every day there is a new top 10 list along with features on the best and worst in geek trends. There is a strong focus on Japan too.

Yamasaki Steve's Deviant Art Page - Lots of excellent photos from the man we all remember from his harrowing monkey experiences.

Hope you all check them out and enjoy them as much as I do.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

order of preference for the blogs is 2,1,3 but you need more than just 5 great things!!! luv DAD